Let’s Get To It!

Dustin Patterson | Regional Sales Manager, LogiQuip LLC.

In the last four posts, we have discussed how to set up a project that will create sustainable change. Over the next two months and we are going to provide some tips for implementing a project as well as day-to-day operations to help ensure success. 

Education is key! When rolling out your project, training, and communication is paramount. Broadly communicate the changes that are coming and when they are coming. Set up training sessions with the affected teams. In the training sessions communicate the upcoming changes, why those changes are happening, and how those changes will affect each team member’s daily work life. Clearly state the benefits of the changes, especially if those changes make their daily lives better. Leave plenty of time for questions and if you cannot answer a question on the spot, be sure to quickly follow up with an answer when you have it. This will make the team more comfortable with what comes next. 

Assign Process Champions to every department that is affected by the changes being implemented. Process Champions should be positive leaders who believe in the project. They will be in the weeds every day with their teams to answer questions about implementation and day-to-day activities. 

Adopt a “6S” mindset in every aspect of your day-to-day. At its core, 6S is intended to remove waste and keep work organized and simple. In addition, it promotes safety, quality, and productivity. The 6S elements are Sort (remove unnecessary materials/equipment), Straighten (make it clear where things belong), Shine (keep workspace clean), Standardize (establish policies and procedures), Sustain (consistently follow policies and procedures), and Safety (identifies hazards and set preventative controls). 

In our December post, we will continue to discuss tips on how to sustain the change and see the maximum benefit from the work you’ve done. 

Dustin Patterson is currently the Mid-West Regional Sales Manager with Logiquip Healthcare Storage Solutions, a leading provider of high-quality, future focused storage systems designed exclusively for use in the healthcare environment. Logiquip is based out of Kalamazoo, MI and has served healthcare organizations across the US for 30 years. Dustin brings over 12 years of experience in space planning and healthcare storage. He has acted on behalf of LogiQuip as the vendor liaison to the AHRMM Wisconsin Chapter, a leading membership group for healthcare supply chain professionals. Working closely with many hospitals and surgery centers, Dustin has developed tailored solutions using a mix of best practices, Lean principles, and industry-leading storage equipment. He has also worked with many Sterile Processing Departments to maximize storage spaces, balancing trade-offs between high-capacity storage layouts and workflow efficiencies.

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